The feast of the divine

Adriana Oliveira Silva e Gianni Puzzo
Year of publication

For almost a year, depending on the negotiation between priest, party-goer and reveler, five men go on a journey as emissaries of Divino Espírito Santo. They travel through the rural and urban area in the vicinity of São Luiz do Paraitinga and Lagoinha, to Taubaté, on one side, and Cunha, on the other, singing from house to house to bless and ask for gifts for the great party in celebration of the Divino in the city , at the time of Pentecost. Perhaps the Folia giro is the most significant part of the celebration of the Divino. It is significant in time: it acts before, after and during the Festa do Divino, passing through the whole year and not just in the nine days of the feast; it is significant in space: it covers the urban and rural areas, including everyone; it is significant in its nature: it brings together sacred and profane, infecting daily life with divinity in the lively landings of the Divino in rural neighborhoods and in the urban peripheries of the Paraíba Valley. In this video, the singing of Folia do Divino is being stitched together with the life of Seu Vicentinho and Dona Terezinha. He, master of revelry of the Divino, she, devotee of the Divino, each in their own way, they share the experience at the same time everyday and miraculous that faith in the Divino provides them.

Research: Adriana de Oliveira Silva
Screenplay: Adriana de Oliveira Silva
Camera: Adriana de Oliveira Silva, Francisco Toledo and Gianni Puzzo
Photographs: Manoel Marques and Adriana de Oliveira Silva
Sound Capture: Adriana de Oliveira Silva
Editing: Adriana Oliveira Silva and Gianni Puzzo
Sound Editing: Gianni Puzzo
Production: Anthares Multimeios
Support: LISA / USP
Research Project: Antropologia da Performance: drama, estética e ritual (Projeto Temático FAPESP n. 06/53006-2)