Holy Week in the Andes

Aristóteles Barcelos Neto
Year of publication

This film is a visual ethnography of the religious experience during the Holy Week of Huaraz, Peru. It is focused on a group of processional sculptures known as Jewish and Roman soldiers, which were miraculously saved from destruction in the devastating 1970 earthquake. Considered saints by their owners and devotees, these soldiers are at the core of a tense dialogue between folk and orthodox forms of Catholicism in the Peruvian Andes.

NTSC, color, 44 min, 2012
Direction, research and script: Aristóteles Barcelos Neto
Edition: Ricardo Dionisio and Leo Fuzer
Editing Assistant: Aristóteles Barcelos Neto.
Photography: Aristóteles Barcelos Neto
Field Assistants: Luis Romero Alfaro and José Antonio Salazar
Soundtrack: Lagrimita, Cervezita Armonia 10
Production: Laboratório de Imagem e Som em Antropologia (LISA-USP)
Support: FAPESP
Projeto temático “A experiência do filme na Antropologia”
Support: Sainsbury Research Unit for the Arts of Africa Oceania and the Americas / University of East Anglia