The experience of image in ethnography
Classic themes of anthropology, such as space, memory, body, religiosity, experience and performance, have an innovative analytical perspective based on the image, which allows the researcher to incorporate gestures, looks, postures and movements, and for the viewer to broaden their perception in a different way. both rational and sensitive. With texts by 21 researchers and two DVDs with 9 videos, this book, divided into three parts - Cinema and Anthropology; Photography and Ethnography; and Transdisciplinary experiences - it is the result of a long investment by the Visual Anthropology Group at USP - GRAVI to incorporate the image in anthropological research.
Between art and science
The essays that make up this collection discuss the numerous affinities between anthropology and photography. The organizer selected articles that point to the possibilities of the alliance between the two areas, highlighting the reason for the mutual enchantment between anthropologists and photographers, united by the desire for a connection between art, knowledge and information. The images indicate the possibility of deepening the density of ethnography by using other narrative forms than just verbal scientific discourse. The hybrid character of photography, between art and science, and the new paths it opens up for the relations between visuality and textuality contribute to the development of alternative processes of expression of knowledge, as the writings of this work demonstrate.
This book talks about visual anthropology, reflecting the trajectory of the Anthropological Film Festival Contro-Sguardi. But it doesn't end there. He proposes looks, encounters and dialogues: visions and people who bring their own experiences, crossing them and allowing new looks. This is even more important when thinking about a Festival that already in its name presents the proposal of being a “Contra-Olhares”, a look at the look, or a meeting of looks. The first edition of Contro-Sguardi outside Perugia (Italy), which this book pays homage to, marks yet another shift in looks and, more than that, raises several encounters of looks and dialogues. The looks, meetings and dialogues proposed here show the potential of thinking about our own experiences based on resonances with other experiences. The texts gathered here show this dynamic offering reflections on past, ongoing and glimpsed trajectories beyond the horizon, constituting a great example of how to expand the look from the opening to the other so characteristic of the anthropological look.
Anthropology and performance - NAPEDRA Essays
This book is the result of the work of the Center for Anthropology, Performance and Drama (Napedra), a group that brings together anthropologists in search of knowledge associated with the performing arts and researchers giving arts interested in anthropology. In the academic and artistic fields, the concept of performance takes on varied, changing and hybrid forms; there is something unresolved in this concept, which resists attempts at definition or delimitation. More than a discipline or even an interdisciplinary field, performance studies are, for some authors, a kind of antidiscipline. In the theater, the performing arts, the cinema, anthropology, sociology, psychoanalysis, linguistics, research on folklore and gender studies, the concept of performance is formulated from different fields of knowledge and artistic expression .
From the east: a shared audiovisual ethnography
Produced in co-authorship with the artists of Cidade Tiradentes, the images, experiences and reflections presented in the multimedia work result from a project of Shared Anthropology. Ethnography is also thought of as a way of contributing to a more effective participation of artists and residents of peripheral districts in the processes of reflection and participation, on the paths of street art, and the socio-cultural transformations on the outskirts of São Paulo. The DVD inserted in this book makes it possible to know the other works of this process of producing audiovisual ethnographies.
Performance - Art and anthropology
'Performance - Arte e Antropologia' presents dialogues in which are printed the reflections of artists and anthropologists who met to talk, exchange experiences and concerns about the man.
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Image-knowledge: anthropology. cinema and other dialogues
The book results from the meeting of Brazilian and foreign researchers interested in the approximations between the social sciences and the universe of images, sounds and visual arts. With diverse research experiences, the authors propose and analyze aesthetics, methods and ways of building knowledge. These contributions together make up the three parts of this collection.
In the first one, "Image and knowledge", it is discussed how the work with expressions of the sensitive sphere, in the field of social sciences, causes the introduction of new epistemological questions for the disciplines. The film produced at the ethnographic meeting is the theme of the block "Image and research", considered in different angles by the authors - all anthropologists, producers and directors. In the last part, "Images in analysis", audiovisual narratives are at issue, which, because they are intended for wide circulation, enable another form of access to reality. Book aimed mainly at those interested in anthropology, sociology and cinema and their reflections on the connections between memory and life, aesthetics and knowledge.
Image Scriptures
The articles in this collection, the result of work developed at the Laboratory of Image and Sound in Anthropology, show that also in the social sciences, image is a fertile field for analysis and a way of presenting research data. According to the organizer, for anthropologists, the perception provided by the image is similar to that made possible by ethnography. Even when describing what is familiar, ethnography allows access to another reality submerged in the apparent familiarity that covers the look. The selected articles were divided into three parts. The first brings together articles on the image, especially the language of cinema, according to the perspective of the social sciences. Following are four photographic essays, plus small texts that seek to dialogue with the images, and, finally, three articles by researchers with critical comments on the visual production presented.