Inhabiting the eyes, walking along images and following lines drawn with a camera are some of the experiences proposed in this film. It is based on the story and compositions made by photographer Evelyn Torrecilla, based on her experiences in Arte Org therapy, responsible for a transformation in her ways of seeing and photographing. The film invites the viewer to move their senses along photos taken by Evelyn. The soundtrack, composed by the musician and Arteorgian therapist Javiera Abufhele, also reflects the learning of this therapy. The result is a synaesthetic experience that suggests a shuffle between cinema, photography, drawing and music.
The production is the result of Post-Doctoral research, entitled "Ways of perceiving and ways of taking care of oneself: an audiovisual ethnography of Art Org therapy", carried out by Luis Felipe Kojima Hirano at PPGAS-USP and at the Laboratory of Image and Sound in Anthropology , under the supervision of Sylvia Caiuby Novaes, between 2019 and 2020. The research sought to systematize eight years of fieldwork in Arte Org therapy, created by Jovino Camargo Jr., which follows the principles of body and perceptive psychology by Wilhelm Reich. From a series of exercises that work the body and perception, Arte Org seeks to deal with contemporary human functioning, enhancing ways of seeing and feeling the world. In this research, I mapped the crossings of bodily and perceptive experience in the artistic production of photographers, musicians, dancers, actors and actresses from Arteorgu. The short film “Habitar os olhos” is the first episode of a series in preparation, which aims to imagetically explore the movements of these artists. The Covid-19 pandemic posed challenges to the film's initial conception. The impossibility of continuing the filming made room for an intense work of editing with photographs by Evelyn Torrecilla. If it was not possible to film the photographer's wanderings through different landscapes due to the quarantine, it was at least possible to walk along her photographs, thus seeking to get out of the confinement imposed by the pandemic. The result is a mix of documentary and photofilm – an invitation to listen to Evelyn's experience at Arte Org and to walk with one's eyes through her photographs.
Direction and search:
Luis Felipe Kojima Hirano
Luis Felipe Kojima Hirano
All photographs are authored by
Evelyn Torrecilla©
Editing and color: Leonardo Fuzer
Direct sound: Luis Felipe Kojima Hirano
Mixing and mastering: Paulo Assis
Protagonist:Evelyn Torrecilla
Songs (in order of entry):
Lyrics and Music by Javiera Abufhele
Stripped an arbol
Lyrics and Music by Javiera Abufhele
Lyrics and Music by Javiera Abufhele
Lyrics by João Apolinário
Composition by João Ricardo
Interpretation of Wet and Dry.
Amor(João Apolinário/ João Ricardo) – 100% - Universal-MCA Do Brasil Ltda. – Universal Music Publishing MGB Brasil Ltd.
Amor (Secos e Molhados Interpretation) Licensing of the phonogram was kindly provided by Warner Music Brasil Ltda., a Warner Music Group company".
Lyrics and Music by Javiera Abufhele
Translation (English):
Tatiana Lotierzo and Luis Felipe Kojima Hirano
Translation (Spanish)
Tatiana Lotierzo
Ohanna Jade do Amaral
Production: Laboratory of Image and Sound in Visual Anthropology at USP Institutional Support: University of São Paulo, Federal University of Goiás and Wilhelm Reich Institute of Brazil.