Launch with a chat with Yara Schreiber Dines (Gepac/Unesp Araraquara) and Heloísa Buarque de Almeida (USP)
Yara Schreiber Dines' book addresses a wide variety of views and different language trends, featuring more than 60 female photographers from the early 20th century to the present day. The images are accompanied by information about the unique trajectory of each photographer and by rich testimonies, registered exclusively for the book that seeks to situate this production in the scope of memory, gender, visual anthropology and the history of photography. In its 256 pages, the work unveils this unprecedented panorama of feminine and substantive photography in Brazil.
The book is edited by Grifo Projetos, carried out by the Special Secretariat for Culture of the Ministry of Tourism, sponsored by BNP Paribas, supported by the Moreira Salles Institute and the Culture Incentive Law.