Research Magazine FAPESP mentions "O Musicar Local: Novas trilhas para a etnomusicologia"

Authorship/Art/Dissemination: Vanessa Munhoz • LISA Communication
Published: 08/16/2024

The August 2024 edition of Revista Pesquisa FAPESP mentions Alice Villela's postdoctoral research, carried out at the Department of Anthropology at the University of São Paulo, under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Rose Satiko, within the scope of the thematic project funded by FAPESP entitled “Local Musicar: New trails for ethnomusicology”.

The FAPESP article addresses the growth of indigenous film production in recent years in Brazil, which has inspired several studies. Among the main purposes of the productions are demands for land and rights.

Alice Villela and Hidalgo Romero directed the film Toré as part of the project “O Musicar Local: New trails for ethnomusicology”. Released in 2022 and lasting 18 minutes, the film portrays the Kariri-Xocó indigenous people, who live on the banks of the São Francisco River, in Alagoas. The group has a place of strength in its traditional songs and rituals to resist a colonial history of violence and invisibility. Stripped of their language and territory, expropriated throughout Brazilian history, in 2015 they occupied a portion of their ancestral lands, in a movement called Retomada. This film accompanied a day of immersion with the Kariri-Xocó in the reclaimed lands. They sing to keep resisting and they resist to keep singing.

The full article from Revista Pesquisa FAPESP on the website: