Napedra in performance: creations XII

By Ricardo Dionisio • LISA Communication
Publication: 10/10/2024

Monday, 14 October 2024, 14:00
14-10-2024 - 18-10-2024
LISA Auditorium. Rua do Anfiteatro, 181, Favo 10, USP.

Anthropology, Performance and Drama Center (NAPEDRA/USP)
Center for Afro-Brazilian Arts at USP 

Hybrid Event

Link to all sessions: ckh


October 14th (Monday)
– Online programming via Zoom

● Afternoon (2:00 p.m.):
o Welcome from the organizing committee
John C. Dawsey, Pâmilla Vilas Boas, Fernanda Marcon.
○ Canoe Path: between mirrors and water roots (conversation circle)
Carlos Corrêa Praude (UNB) Rita de Almeida Castro (UNB; NAPEDRA/USP) (remote).
○ Falling Bodies: A film, a massacre, a cyborg and the spiraling time of performance
Scott Head (GESTO/UFSC) (remote)
○ Around the World (Short Film Screening, 14’12)
Alice Villela (NAPEDRA/USP) (remote)
○ Wanderings of Faith (Documentary Screening, 46’)
Carlos Alberto Corrêa Moro (UNICAMP; NAPEDRA/USP) (remote)

15 de outubro (terça-feira)
– Programação híbrida Zoom e presencial no Miniauditório do LISA/USP

● Manhã (09h00):
○ Medeia depois do Sol: o trauma como performance, a personagem enquanto carranca
Luciana Lyra (UERJ; NAPEDRA/USP) (remoto)
○ Tragédia em performance: reflexões sobre a peça Antígona na Amazônia
Fernanda Marcon (NAPEDRA/USP) (presencial)
○ Risco e restauração: articulando gênero, raça e classe em uma companhia de balé clássico em São Paulo
Carolina Paes de Barros (NAPEDRA/USP) (presencial)

● Tarde (14h00):
○ Minicurso: Juventudes e ativismo político: performances em luta
Fernanda Marcon (NAPEDRA/USP) (presencial)

October 15th (Tuesday)
– Hybrid Zoom and in-person programming at the LISA/USP Mini Auditorium

● Morning (09:00):
○ Medea after the Sun: trauma as performance, the character as a frown
Luciana Lyra (UERJ; NAPEDRA/USP) (remote)
○ Tragedy in performance: reflections on the play Antígona na Amazônia
Fernanda Marcon (NAPEDRA/USP) (in person)
○ Risk and restoration: articulating gender, race and class in a classical ballet company in São Paulo
Carolina Paes de Barros (NAPEDRA/USP) (in person)

● Afternoon (2:00 p.m.):
○ Short course: Youth and political activism: performances in struggle
Fernanda Marcon (NAPEDRA/USP) (in person)

October 17th (Thursday)
– In-person programming
Location: room 109, USP Social Sciences building ·

Afternoon (4:30 pm):

o Six readings of the play Mother Courage by Brecht.
Presentations from the undergraduate class in Social Sciences: FLA 0364 Benjamin, Brecht and Anthropology

October 18th (Friday)
- Hybrid Zoom and in-person programming at the LISA/USP Mini Auditorium

● Morning (09:00):

○ Round thinking, performance and decolonial education: experiences at Quilombo Campus Minas Novas in Vale do Jequitinhonha
Rubens Silva (NEPPAMCS/UFMG; NAPEDRA/USP) (remote)
○ Poetics of the backwater: the eternal return of the ark of Olímpio Pâmilla Vilas Boas (NAPEDRA/USP) (in-person)
○ Folk songbooks and popular poetry
Maria Laura Viveiros de Castro Cavalcanti (RISU/UFRJ) (remote)

● Afternoon (2:00 p.m.):
○ Anthropology and seismology of performance
John C. Dawsey (NAPEDRA/USP) (in person)
○ Night History of Ceilândia
João Campos (NAPEDRA/USP) (in person)
○ Anthropology of performance: towards a pedagogical experience
Luiz Davi Vieira Gonçalves (Tabihuni/UEA) (remote) ○ Victor Turner from culturetype to Genotype
Robson Corrêa de Camargo (PPGPC/UFG; NAPEDRA/USP) (remote)

● Evening (7pm):
○ Closing party at the Center for Afro-Brazilian Arts at USP Narrativas do Recôncavo Mestre Pinguim, Luiz Antônio Nascimento Cardoso.
Location: Afro-Brazilian Arts Center at USP Av. Prof. Lúcio Martins Rodrigues, Trave 5, Block 28