Authorship: Vanessa Munhoz • LISA Communication
Published: 10/18/2024
The film São Palco - Afropolitan City will be shown on Wednesday, October 23, 2024, at the University of Oxford.
Shambuyi Wetu, Yannick Delass, Lenna Bahule, Edoh Amassize and other Afropolitan artists occupy Sampa and the world with their diasporic creativity.
Synopsis: What do African artists who arrive in Brazil in recent years carry with them on their journey? How do the African diasporas dialogue – the new creative diaspora and the one that turned the Atlantic into a cemetery? What stages are occupied, built, filled with the performances of artists who cross the ocean? Ancestry updated in performances that construct an Afropolitan present in a metropolis where it is necessary to be bold, to color the gray. São Palco – Cidade Afropolitana presents the city of São Paulo as a meta-stage occupied by artists from Togo, Mozambique, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Angola, among other African nations, in dialogue with the Brazilian population and its openings, contradictions and tensions.