Exhibition "Trajectories Cruzadas" is highlighted on the BBC and Folha de S.Paulo.

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Por Carlos Eduardo Conceição • Bolsista em Divulgação científica do LISA
Revisado por Vanessa Munhoz • Comunicação do LISA
Publicação: 20/02/2025

Folha de S.Paulo highlighted the exhibition "Trajetórias Cruzadas", which brings together, for the first time, the records of photographers Maureen Bisilliat, Claudia Andujar and Lux ​​Vidal about Brazilian indigenous peoples.

These three foreigners arrived in Brazil in the 1950s and, during the dictatorship, dedicated their lenses and research to portraying indigenous cultures ignored by the government. Bisilliat, who photographed the Xingu at the invitation of indigenous people, summarizes her approach: “My talent was to enter without disturbing and be accepted. If I was good at photography, it’s because I knew how to enter something new without being noticed.”

In the BBC article, the highlight is Claudia Andujar, the article mentions both the exhibition “Trajetórias Cruzadas” and “Claudia Andujar - My life in two worlds”, exhibited at the Pinacoteca of São Paulo.

"They are polyglots, they never lost their accent, but they don't exactly have a mother tongue. They experience the Second World War, and then they move to the United States."

The exhibition “Trajetórias Cruzadas” takes place at Centro MariAntonia, in São Paulo, until 23/02, with free entry.

Read the full articles on Folha de S.Paulo and BBC.