The Malês Uprising, which took place in 1835, significantly marks the Afro-Islamic universe. Literate blacks, who did not accept being subordinate to slaveholders. In Islam, slavery is prohibited, as man must serve only God. In this documentary, the aesthetic and narrative expressions between the holy people and Muslims intersect, bringing other versions that make us enter other stories, that are not only the "official", but also those that are told to us through myths and that enrich this magical universe that permeates the lives of Malês/Muslims.
NTSC, COR, 30min, 2015
Direction, production and research: Francirosy Campos Barbosa
Illustrations: Arieh Wagner
Screenplay: Francirosy Campos Barbosa
Edition: Ricardo Dionísio and Francirosy Campos Barbosa
Soundtrack: Mario Aphonso (Zikir Trio)
Images: Aílton Pinheir, Fernanda Frasca and Vítor Grunvald
Realization: Laboratório de Imagem e Som em Antropologia (LISA-USP)
Thematic project FAPESP "A experiência do filme na antropologia"