Mbebe Akaee Feast

Nadja Marin e Justino Cinta Larga
Year of publication

The MBEBE AKAEE Feast, or the Feast of the wild pig is the main ritual of the Cinta Larga Indians. Guests from surrounding villages are invited to dance, sing, drink cassava chicha, have fun and most important to shoot the wild pig with their bows and arrows. The feast was held in Village Roosevelt in September 2014.

Brazil, NTSC, color, 21 min, 2015
Direction and Screenplay: Nadja Marin and Justino Cinta Larga
Production: Adílio Cinta Larga
Director of photography: Marcos Cinta Larga, Justino Cinta Larga and Kiki Concianza
Edition: Marcos Cinta Larga
Translation: Justino Cinta Larga.
Direction: LISA/USP and Coletivo Akubaaj Cinta Larga de Cinema
Support: FAPESP, FUNAI-CACOAL, Patjmaaj Associação Patjmaaj do Povo Cinta Larga and ASCURI (Associação dos Realizadores Indígenas do Mato Grosso do Sul)