Catarina Alves Costa - Trajectories

Nadja Marin e Rose Satiko Gitirana Hikiji
Year of publication

The portuguese anthropologist and filmmaker, Catarina Alves Costa, speaks of possibilities and tensions in the relationship between anthropological practice and filmmaking. Catarina discusses the research and the construction of ethnographic film in an interview, permeated by images and sounds from her films. This video is part of the Trajectories series, a project whose purpose is to construct a dialogue between social scientists and documentarists.

Direction, script, editing and research: Nadja Marin and Rose Satiko Gitirana Hikiji.
Editing: João Claudio de Sena
Original Soundtrack: Priscilla Ermel
Audio post production: André Ferraz and Priscilla Ermel
Studio: Música bacana
Production: Laboratory of Image and Sound in Anthropology (LISA-USP)