Miriam Moreira Leite: Pathways of Memory

Ana Lúcia Ferraz, Andréa Barbosa e Francirosy Ferreira
Year of publication

The video is part of the Trajectories Series. Building through the images a dialogue about the life and work of Míriam Lifchitz Moreira Leite, the themes of her work are highlighted: the question of women, love, intellectual life and the theme of memory.

Direction, script and research: Ana Lúcia Ferraz, Andréa Barbosa and Francirosy Ferreira
Images: Ana Lúcia Ferraz, Andréa Barbosa and Fernanda Frasca
Still photo: Mariana Chamma
Editing: Samir Cheida
Soundtrack: Michelle Agnes
Narration, stories and letters: Ana Lúcia Ferraz, Andréa Barbosa and Francirosy Ferreira
Audio post production: André Ferraz
Digitization of images: Téo Garfunkel
Digitization of tales and decoupage: Alexandre Kishimoto
Realization: Laboratory of Image and Sound in Anthropology (LISA-USP)
FAPESP Thematic Project "Alterities, cultural expressions of the sensitive world and constructions of reality"
Support: FAPESP