São Palco – an Afropolitan City

Jasper Chalcraft and Rose Satiko Gitirana Hikiji
Year of publication
72 min

What do African artists who arrive in Brazil bring with them on their journey? How do Brazil's African diasporas interact - the new creative diaspora and the historic one that turned the Atlantic into a cemetery? What stages are sought out, occupied or constructed, and then filled with the performances of artists who cross the ocean? Ancestral identities are updated in performances that construct an Afropolitan present in a metropolis where it is necessary to be bold, to colour the grey.São Palco - an Afropolitan City presents the city of São Paulo itself as a kind of meta-stage occupied by artists from Togo, Mozambique, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Angola, among other African nations, in dialogue with the Brazilian population and all of its openings, contradictions and tensions.

Direction, cameras and research
Jasper Chalcraft
Rose Satiko Gitirana Hikiji

Editing and colour
Ricardo Dionisio

Direct sound
Jasper Chalcraft
Ricardo Dionisio
Rose Satiko Gitirana Hikiji

Original soundtrack
Yannick Delass (composições e interpretação)
Meno Del Picchia (produção musical)

Mixing and Mastering
Jean Nands
Ewelter Rocha

Trailer/Teaser Editing:
Rayssa Cordeiro