In this film, psychologist, performer and dancer Elizabeth Lewin tells how Arte Org body and perceptual therapy contributes to her work in Água de la Luna, an oriental dance group, and in Colectivo Máquina a Costura which, based on performances in spaces public, questions and confronts gender-based violence. Through their reflections, we delve into the topic of relationships between artistic creation, mental and bodily health.
Direction, script and research:
Luis Felipe Kojima Hirano
Luis Felipe Kojima Hirano
Pictures of Agua de la Luna
Images from Depués de la Violencia – Huellas Arte, Corpo e Memória by Colectivo Sewing the Machine
Taller Arte Org images
Jovino's images
Evelyn Torrecilla
Editing: Leonardo Fuzer and Luis Felipe Kojima Hirano
Color: Ricardo Dionísio
Direct sound: Luis Felipe Kojima Hirano
Protagonist: Elizabeth Lewin
Translation (English):
Tatiana Lotierzo and Luis Felipe Kojima Hirano
Translation (Spanish)
Tatiana Lotierzo and Evelyn Torrecilla
Luis Felipe Kojima Hirano
Songs (in order of entry):
Puente Roto
Project Huellas de la Violencia
Oriental Music
Agua de la Luna
Oriental Music
Agua de la Luna
Until Cuando
Project Huellas de la Violencia
Lyrics and Music by Javiera Abufhele
Sylvia Caiuby Novaes
Elizabeth Lewin
Leo Fuzer
Tatiana Lotierzo
Evelyn Torrecilla
Javiera Abufhele
Ricardo Dionísio
Grace Lima
Laura Galante
Rafael Lotierzo Hirano
Martim Lotierzo Hirano
Ana Paula Kojima Hirano
Toshimi Kojima Hirano
Sedi Hirano
This film is the result of the License for Training project entitled: “Habitar o
care: an audiovisual ethnography with artists from Arte Org”, carried out within the
FFLCH/USP Collaborating Professor Program, during the summer of 2022 and
This research is also funded by the Cnpq Level 2 Researcher Grant. Process: 305820/2022-2.
Institutional Support:
University of Sao Paulo
Goias Federal University
Wilhelm Reich Institute of Brazil and Chile