The film Afro-Sampas, directed by Rose Satiko Hikiji and Jasper Chalcraft and produced at the Laboratory of Image and Sound in Anthropology (LISA-USP) received the award for best feature film at the 44th annual meeting of ANPOCS. Click here for the film's teaser.
Afro-Sampas, film by Rose Satiko Hikiji and Jasper Chalcraft, will be shown in the UK at the Africa in Motion festival.
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Exhibition of African Cinemas and Africa in Motion
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dia 17 de novembro:
"Afrodiasporic Dialogues" (Diálogos Afrodiaspóricos)
with the films:
Afro-Sampas (2020)
Aurora (2018)
John (2018)
Freedom (2018)
Christian Name - Frances (2019)
To break with the colonial strategy of silencing, imposed on the black people in the diaspora, the construction of an audiovisual discourse and a narrative that dialogues with and about black issues within an afro-perspective, comes as a stone that “shatters the mask of silence ”, as the writer Conceição Evaristo said, in an interview with the philosopher and writer Djamila Ribeiro. To discover the contemporary ways of putting your ear to the shell to hear the sea that unites and separates us, are the films of this session, which question and subvert the identity perspective, and interconnect worlds of African origin.
** Live chat with Clementino Junior, Pedro Nishi & Vinícius Silva and Rose Hikiji on 11/17 at 6 pm in Brazil, broadcast on the Africa in Motion page on Facebook and mediated by Ceci Alves.
Three students from the Social Sciences course at FFLCH-USP received the Lévi-Strauss award at the 32nd. Brazilian Anthropology Meeting.
The Lévi-Strauss Award is an initiative of the Brazilian Association of Anthropology in honor of Claude Lévi-Strauss's contribution to Anthropology and aims to stimulate new careers and give visibility to the original and high-quality academic production developed during graduation.
Poster mode:
Kelwin Marques Garcia dos Santos
Advisor: Rose Satiko Gitirana Hikiji
The constitution of the body and the locality in maracatu de baque virado: an approach based on multimodal anthropology.
Presentation link of Kelwin's work during the award.
Laila Zilber Kontic
Advisor: Sylvia Caiuby Novaes
The Yanomami and shamanism through Claudia Andujar's photographs
Link to the presentation of Laila's work during the award.
Article mode:
2nd Place: Ana Carolina Braga Azevedo
Advisor: Heloisa Buarque de Almeida
"Disputing categories: the clashes and political / militant, media and legal narratives around a public case"
To check the presentation of the works presented during the event, click here.