Título do registro
Suporte Original
Fita cassete
Hugh Tracey
Kazadi Wa Mukuna
Traditional Music Documentation Project,Kaleidophone - KMA-1
País (produção)
País (coleta)
Coleção Kazadi Wa Mukuna
lado a – (19'28")
1. Detyetye kusheka (Ndau) 3:38
(He-he-he, to laugh)
By Tabarirevu Muyambo, at Chipinga
2. Tabarirevu woenda (Ndau) 3:17
(Tabarirevu is going)
By Tabarirevu Muyambo, at Chipinga
3. Samandoza-Iwe (Garwe) 2:42
(You, Samandoza)
By Muchaenda Sigauke with Ndau men, Umtali District
4. Pfeni ne ngoma (Garwe) 2:53
(The story of the baboon and the drum)
By Muchaenda Sigauke with Ndau men
5. Dendera Jikwa – Murombo (Karanga) 2:48
(The nest of the Hammerkop – The poor man)
By R. Jeketi, Melsetter District
6. Ngoma dze Ngororombe (Sena/Tonga)
By Saini Madera of Mikoto Ntoka District
lado b – (19'30")
1. Pimchinanga (Zezuru) 1:23
(The Pangolin)
By members of the Teacher training College at St Augustine's Mission, Penhalonga, near Mutare
2. Madumba ne manyere (Zezuro) 2:31
(Calabashes and Flutes)
By members of the Teacher training College at St Augustine's Mission, Penhalonga, near Mutare
3. Nzio ya gudo achiena kumunda kudlya (Karanga) 2:17
(The song of the baboon who went into the fields to eat)
By Runeso Gumbo with karimba mbira
4. Chirombo woye nditerera (Karanga) 1:27
(Spirit of music, follow me)
By Mugadzikwa Mwanagona
5. Nheura (Zezuru) 2:40
By Chabarwa Masunda Sinyoro
6. Masongano (Zezuru) 1:50
(Masongano spirits)
By Chabarwa Masunda Sinyoro
7. Ngororombe (Zezuru) 2:30
By boys of the Domboshawa School, near Harare
8. Chomusikana Mandega (Zezuru) 2:12 (total)
(The girl Mandega)
Nyere ye dongi Inorira (Zezuru)
(The flute of the donkey)
Miningwa uchaenda mudindo (Zezuru)
(Miningwa will go into the bush)
By boys of the Domboshawa School, near Harare
9. Ishekomborera Afrika (Zezuru) 2:06
(God Bless Africa)
By boys of the Domboshawa School, near Harare
1. Detyetye kusheka (Ndau) 3:38
(He-he-he, to laugh)
By Tabarirevu Muyambo, at Chipinga
2. Tabarirevu woenda (Ndau) 3:17
(Tabarirevu is going)
By Tabarirevu Muyambo, at Chipinga
3. Samandoza-Iwe (Garwe) 2:42
(You, Samandoza)
By Muchaenda Sigauke with Ndau men, Umtali District
4. Pfeni ne ngoma (Garwe) 2:53
(The story of the baboon and the drum)
By Muchaenda Sigauke with Ndau men
5. Dendera Jikwa – Murombo (Karanga) 2:48
(The nest of the Hammerkop – The poor man)
By R. Jeketi, Melsetter District
6. Ngoma dze Ngororombe (Sena/Tonga)
By Saini Madera of Mikoto Ntoka District
lado b – (19'30")
1. Pimchinanga (Zezuru) 1:23
(The Pangolin)
By members of the Teacher training College at St Augustine's Mission, Penhalonga, near Mutare
2. Madumba ne manyere (Zezuro) 2:31
(Calabashes and Flutes)
By members of the Teacher training College at St Augustine's Mission, Penhalonga, near Mutare
3. Nzio ya gudo achiena kumunda kudlya (Karanga) 2:17
(The song of the baboon who went into the fields to eat)
By Runeso Gumbo with karimba mbira
4. Chirombo woye nditerera (Karanga) 1:27
(Spirit of music, follow me)
By Mugadzikwa Mwanagona
5. Nheura (Zezuru) 2:40
By Chabarwa Masunda Sinyoro
6. Masongano (Zezuru) 1:50
(Masongano spirits)
By Chabarwa Masunda Sinyoro
7. Ngororombe (Zezuru) 2:30
By boys of the Domboshawa School, near Harare
8. Chomusikana Mandega (Zezuru) 2:12 (total)
(The girl Mandega)
Nyere ye dongi Inorira (Zezuru)
(The flute of the donkey)
Miningwa uchaenda mudindo (Zezuru)
(Miningwa will go into the bush)
By boys of the Domboshawa School, near Harare
9. Ishekomborera Afrika (Zezuru) 2:06
(God Bless Africa)
By boys of the Domboshawa School, near Harare
Em processo de documentação;
Gênero Musical
Música tradicional (mundo)
Tipo de Registro