Between cities: ethnographic films in dialogue - Brazil and Colombia - Program 3

08/20, 5:30 PM

Program 3 - Space and its inhabitants -

Coordination : Jeferson Carvalho

The space and its inhabitants addresses people who, in their own way, circulate and appropriate spaces in the registered contexts, seeking different forms of belonging. 


Francirosy Campos Barbosa (USP Ribeirão Preto)

Jonathan Echeverri (Universidad de Antioquia)

Discussionist: Silvana de Souza Nascimento (USP)

Entre cidades: filmes etnográficos em diálogo - Brasil e Colômbia

Programa 3 - O espaço e seus habitantes

Clique nas imagens para abrir os filmes.

Francirosy Campos Barbosa

The Malês Uprising, which took place in 1835, significantly marks the Afro-Islamic universe. Literate blacks, who did not accept being subordinate to slaveholders. In Islam, slavery is prohibited, as man must serve only God. In this documentary, the aesthetic and narrative expressions between the holy people and Muslims intersect, bringing other versions that make us enter other stories, that are not only the "official", but also those that are told to us through myths and that enrich this magical universe that permeates the lives of Malês/Muslims.

perfis de edifícios na contraluz à beira rio, com o texto "el futuro es brillante"​​​​​​​

Jonathan Echeverri

This documentary tells the travel stories of Africans who left in search of better horizons outside their continent. Along the way, the absence of papers, migratory controls, limited economic resources and the disappointments they fall into give different rhythms to their itineraries. The story of Jonathan, an anthropologist who has been working on the subject since 2009, links these stories. At the beginning Jonathan finds himself in Dakar, Senegal with KC, Clifford, Mohamed, Camara and Prince who are waiting to leave the continent. A few years later, he follows Prince's itineraries to Quito, Ecuador, where he meets Samson, Ivonne and Jermein. While the destinations of travelers waiting in Dakar are not fixed, in Quito many Africans set off on a risky journey to the United States. Others choose less common destinations, such as Quito or Medellín, Colombia. The tenacity of these Africans evokes the idea of ​​movement as a vital impulse that transgresses borders in an apparently globalized world.


Paula Morgado and João Cláudio de Sena

The Pankararu, who originally came from the village Brejo dos Padres near the margins of the São Francisco river (Pernambuco), began to migrate to São Paulo in 1950, fleeing drought, famine and conflicts with landtakers. Approximately 500 of them took up residence in the Real Parque shanty town on the margins of the Pinheiros river, searching for a new way of life. The documentary provides a kaleidoscope of the Pankararu view about this endless journey.

Andréa Barbosa

Michele and Dalva are patients of a judiciary mental hospital in São Paulo, Brazil. Margarida is a psychologist at the same institution. Three women linked by photography, an instrument which seals a relationship based on respect and desire for life.

Luiza Calagian

The film, made in partnership with a group of young women from the Tenonde Porã village, in São Paulo, mixes fiction and documentary in a narrative around the figure of Piragui, owner of the fish in the Guarani Mbya tradition. It was carried out in partnership with LISA (Laboratory of Image and Sound in Anthropology) at the University of São Paulo, guided by Profa. Dr. Rose Satiko and with support from CNPQ.

Shambuyi Wetu, Rose Satiko Hikiji, Jasper Chalcraft

In his performances Shambuyi Wetu, an artist from the Democratic Republic of Congo and a refugee in São Paulo, constructs narratives about the diaspora experience and the situation of l’homme noir in the world. Part of the Afro-Sampas collection, the film Tabuluja is a collaboration between the artist and the anthropologists Rose Satiko Hikiji and Jasper Chalcraft. The research and filming explores the experiences of African musicians, dancers and artists currently residing in São Paulo, and is part of the project “Being/Becoming African in Brazil: migrating musics and heritages”

Ana Lúcia Pastore Schritzmeyer

Every year, adults seek out the archives of the CASA Foundation (Centre for the Socio-Educational Attention of Adolescents, São Paulo, Brazil) searching for the dossiers from the period they spent (as children or teenagers) in public orphanages. What is it that makes these adults try to recover the threads of their lives? Between 2009 and 2013, more than 50 dossiers were analyzed, along with interviews, about men that were sheltered, between 1947 and 1974, in the Batatais Agricultural Institute for the Underages (IAMB/SP). Records; truths (?); the right to biographical memory; stories of “abandoned families”; accounts of work and care experiences; present bonds among “ex-underages”; the dialogue between old photos and a visit to the now-ruined IAMB building, guided by one the interviewers, all compose this documentary.

Francirosy Ferreira

The challenge of this video is to investigate diverse themes related to Islam in Brazil, such as the veil, marriage, divergences in the community and the relation between the researcher and the research subjects. Product of nine years of research and immersion in the Islamic communities of São Paulo and São Bernardo do Campo, Voices of Islam is an invitation, in image and sound, to discover Islam in Brazil.


Ana Lúcia Ferraz

What is it, the Clown? presents the work of women in brazilian circus-theatre, going through a story about weddings and comedies.