Between cities: ethnographic films in dialogue - Brazil and Colombia

​​​​​​​Entre cidades: filmes etnográficos em diálogo - Brasil e Colômbia​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Film show and conversation circles

​​​​​​​The state of São Paulo, in Brazil, and the region of Antioquia, in Colombia, are spaces where multiple cultural and social manifestations converge, making it difficult to summarize them in a few words and forms. Both bring together numerous contradictions and urban challenges related to immigration, inequalities and violence. The works presented in this exhibition narrate multiple possibilities of (re)existing. Through art, housing, religion and other practices, many peoples weave the plots of the territories that are the stage for these films.

Celebrating 30 years of creation and 20 years of production by the Laboratory of Image and Sound in Anthropology (LISA) of the Anthropology Department of the University of São Paulo (USP), this exhibition proposes a filmic dialogue between multiple cities in the regions mentioned, through colors , sounds and movements recorded by the lenses of anthropologists and anthropologists from the two countries, Brazil and Colombia.

Throughout the month of August 29 films that received support or were produced by LISA will be screened, in addition to Colombian productions. The films will be distributed in three programs. The first, The city and its spaces, highlights different places as articulating powers that affect and mobilize people. The second, Space and its arts, includes portraits of different artistic and cultural expressions in urban contexts. Finally, in the third, Space and its inhabitants, the focus shifts to people who, in their own way, circulate and appropriate spaces in the registered contexts, seeking different forms of belonging. Each program of the exhibition will feature a conversation circle about the films, which will feature the participation of directors and researchers who investigate the topics covered.



Paula Morgado (LISA/USP)

Curatorship and production

Jefferson Carvalho (PPGAS/USP)

Isabel Wittmann (PPGAS/USP)

Liza Acevedo (PPGAS/USP)

Paula Morgado (LISA/USP)

Production and Dissemination Assistant

Julia Generoso (PUB/USP)

Realization: Visual Anthropology Group (GRAVI)/USP

Support: LISA and FFLCH

Circles of conversation

roda 1

06/08, 5:30 pm

Program 1 - The city and its spaces -

Coordination: Paula Morgado

The city and its spaces highlight different places as articulating powers that affect and mobilize people. 


Andrea Barbosa (UNIFESP)

Andrés García Sanchez (Universidad de Antioquia) 

Discussionist: Heitor Frugoli Jr.(USP)

roda 2

11/08, 3:00 pm

Program 2 - Space and its arts -

Coordination: Isabel Wittmann ​​​​​​​

Space and its arts encompasses portraits of diverse artistic and cultural expressions in urban contexts. 


Rose Satiko Hikiji (USP)

Ana María Muñoz (Universidad de Antioquia)

Debater: Vitor Grunvald (UFRGS)

roda 3​​​​​​​

08/20, 5:30 PM

Program 3 - Space and its inhabitants -

Jeferson Carvalho Coordination

The space and its inhabitants addresses people who, in their own way, circulate and appropriate spaces in the registered contexts, seeking different forms of belonging. 


Francirosy Campos Barbosa (USP Ribeirão Preto)

Jonathan Echeverri (Universidad de Antioquia)

Discussionist: Silvana de Souza Nascimento (USP)

Guests (in alphabetical order):

Ana María Muñoz.  Anthropologist and audiovisual producer. She has a postgraduate degree in executive production from the Ibermedia program and is a Master's student in Documentary Cinema. Her projects have been recognized and & nbsp; exhibited at national and international festivals, markets and workshops. Her first work as a feature film producer is Cantos que Inundan el Río (Hot Docs 2021). She is a researcher at the Culture, Violence and Territory group at the University of Antioquia, where she works on the memory narratives of the Colombian armed conflict. She coordinated the production of content for the central room of the Museo Casa de la Memoria in Medellín.& nbsp;

Andréa Cláudia Miguel Barbosa. Anthropologist, professor at the Department of Social Sciences at the Federal University of São Paulo/UNIFESP. Researcher of the Visual Anthropology Group at USP and member of the editorial committee of Revista GIS – Gesto Imagem e Som at USP. Since 2007, she coordinates the Visual and Urban Studies Group (VISURB) at UNIFESP. She was a member of the Visual Anthropology commissions of ABA-Associação Brasileira de Anthropology and of the Audiovisual Commission of ANPOCS. She is the author of the books São Paulo Cidade Azul (Alameda / FAPESP, 2012) and Anthropology and Image (Zahar, 2006); she is the organizer and author of the books The Experience of Image in Ethnography (Terceiro Nome, 2016), Social Sciences in Dialogue (Ed.UNIFESP, 2014), Image-knowledge (Papirus, 2009), Scriptures of Image (EDUSP, 2004). She directed the documentaries O rest é o dia a dia (2001), In the corner of the eyes (2006), In (itself) (2006), Peppers in the eyes (2015), Photographs and objects. Memory and experience in the city of Celina (2016) and Corpocidade (2021), among others. In 2015, she served as a Visiting Scholar at the SAME- School of Anthropology & amp; Museum Ethnography, Oxford University.

Andrés García Sanchez. Anthropologist and Master in Socio-Spatial Studies from the University of Antioquia. Doctor in Social Anthropology from the Federal University of Amazonas. His research and professional interests include socio-environmental and territorial conflicts, Afro-Colombian and ethnic studies, armed conflicts and peacebuilding, social mobilization and social cartography. He is currently coordinator of the Territorial Studies Group (GET) of the Institute of Regional Studies at the University of Antioquia. He teaches in the Master's Degree in Socio-Spatial Studies, Graduate Studies in Theories, Methods and Techniques of Social Investigation, and Degree in Territorial Development.

Francirosy Campos Barbosa. Anthropologist, associate professor at the Department of Psychology at the University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto campus (FFCLRP). She is a CNPq Research Productivity Fellow (PQ-2) and held a post-doctorate at the University of Oxford in Islamic Theology under the supervision of Prof. Tariq Ramadan. She is the coordinator of the Group on Anthropology in Islamic and Arab Contexts (GRACIAS). Researcher at the Visual Anthropology Group (GRAVI) and at the Performance and Drama Anthropology Nucleus (NAPEDRA), Contemporary Religious Studies and Black Cultures (CERNe) groups at USP. She has experience in the field of Anthropology, with an emphasis on Anthropological Theory, working mainly on the following topics: Islam, Muslim women, performance anthropology, visual anthropology, methodology. She produced documentaries: Allahu Akbar, Voices of Islam, Sacrifice, Allah, Oxalá on the Malê trail, among others.

Jonathan Echeverri. Anthropologist, professor at the Department of Anthropology at the University of Antioquia, in Medellín, Colombia. Doctor in Anthropology from the University of California, Davis. His main topic of interest is human movement. In his research trajectory, he develops the concept of errance as an alternative to understanding the travel stories of Africans looking for better horizons beyond the African continent. He is currently working on a research project in the northwestern tip of Colombia entitled “Following the thread of the errance: South-South traveler's itineraries through Urabá.” & nbsp;

Heitor Frúgoli Jr. Anthropologist, professor at the Department of Anthropology at the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences at the University of São Paulo (USP). Coordinator of the City Anthropology Study Group (GEAC) at USP. He was a professor at the Chair of Brazilian Studies at the University of Leiden (2010) and Directeur d’ études at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (2013). He has been a CNPq researcher since 2005 and was co-organizer of the collections Practices, conflicts, spaces: research in anthropology of the city (Rio de Janeiro: Gramma/Fapesp, 2019) and Urban Plurality in São Paulo: vulnerability, marginality, activism (S. Paulo: Ed. 34/Fapesp, 2016) and the dossier "Ce que l'anthropologie doit au Brésil: terrains et théories". Brazil(s), no. 9, 2016.

Rose Satiko Gitirana Hikiji. Anthropologist, professor at the Department of Anthropology at the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences, University of São Paulo. She is a CNPq Research Productivity Fellow (PQ-2). Bachelor in Social Communication from the Methodist University of São Paulo (1992) and in Social Sciences from USP (1995), Master (1999) and PhD (2004) from the University of São Paulo, with post-doctorate (2005) in Social Anthropology from USP. She is vice-coordinator of the Laboratory of Image and Sound in Anthropology (LISA) at USP, coordinates the Researches in Musical Anthropology (PAM) group and is vice-coordinator of the Visual Anthropology Group (GRAVI-USP) and researcher at the Anthropology Nucleus at Performance and Drama (NAPEDRA-USP). She has directed several ethnographic videos and has carried out research with FAPESP support (from her master's to postdoctoral degree).   His research addresses the following topics: cinema and violence, music in intervention projects for children and youth, ethnographic film, audiovisual and artistic production in the periphery, music and African immigration.

Silvana de Souza Nascimento. Anthropologist, professor at the Department of Anthropology at the University of São Paulo. Coordinator of Coccyx - Indisciplinary Studies of the Body and Territory, at USP and researcher at Diversitas - Center for the Study of Diversities, Intolerances and Conflicts (USP). She currently coordinates the Postgraduate Program in Humanities, Rights and Other Legitimacies, at USP. She conducts research in the areas of Urban Anthropology and Social Markers of Difference, and has addressed the following topics: borders, corporeality, mobilities, cities and transfemininities.

Vitor P. Grunvald. Anthropologist-director, professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul.  Bachelor in Social Sciences at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (2005), Master in Social Anthropology at the National Museum/UFRJ, Doctor in Social Anthropology at the University of São Paulo (2015), with post-doctorate at the University of São Paulo (2018 -2019). With a degree in Film Direction from the International Film Academy, he produced photographic, audiovisual and artistic works. He has experience and interest in the fields of Visual Anthropology, Anthropology of Performance, Art, Body, Gender and Sexuality. He coordinates the Visual Anthropology Nucleus (Navisual) at UFRGS and also the Artistic / Audiovisual Universes Recognition Group (GRUA / UFRJ). He is a member of the research groups: Visual Anthropology Group (GRAVI), Anthropology, Performance and Drama Nucleus (NAPEDRA), Nucleus for Studies on Social Markers of Difference (NUMAS) and Musical Anthropology Research (PAM), all linked to the University from São Paulo.​​​​​​​

Programa 1 - A cidade e seus espaços

Clique nas imagens para abrir os filmes.

Ana Lúcia Ferraz

The history of the movement for housing in Osasco seen through the eyes of the homeless.

arte da capa com um fundo branco e uma homem e uma mulher desenhado em rabiscos pretos, escrito "com la casa al hombro", com a casa nos ombros ​​​​​​​

Camilo Pérez and Andrés García Sanchez

​​​​​​​Many young people of African descent arrive in the city of Medellín fleeing the terror of armed groups or in search of new opportunities in life. They bring their memories of exile and pain, but they also bring hopes, dreams and knowledge. This documentary talks about the experiences of five young people in the city.​​​​​​​


Ana Lúcia Ferraz

This video follows events when 2800 workers were fired from the Ford plant in São Bernardo do Campo (São Paulo).

Andréa Barbosa

The relationship we build with the city is not without images, imagination and affection. Based on this idea, we follow the trajectory of Valmir Santos, an ordinary inhabitant of the city of São Paulo, and the relationships he builds with the city and its other common inhabitants. In this work, we built the São Paulo of Valmir.

Paula Morgado and João Cláudio de Sena

This video deals with the meanings of displacement, flux, and frotiers as manifested on the second largest expressway of São Paulo, the Marginal Pinheiros, which has become an important financial center since the end of the twentieth century. City dwellers, motorists, sociologists, geographers, architects and business people speak of their experience and viewpoints, revealing how history and contemporary experience are interwoven.

Andréa Barbosa and Fernanda Matos

Peppers in the eyes is a film in which photography, memory, experience and music are interwoven to tell a little of the daily life in a “peripheral” district of the metropolitan region of São Paulo, the District of Peppers in Guarulhos.
Wolf, Ohuaz, Thais and Fabio narrate their relationship with the neighborhood, their stories and dreams. Their narratives dialogue with many landscapes that are formed from the photographs that so many residents performed throughout their lives or produced within the photographic workshops Peppers in Eyes is not refreshment held since 2008 by VISURB - Group of Visual and Urban Research of UNIFESP (Universidade Federal de São Paulo).

Rose Satiko Gitirana Hikiji

Young residentes of the periphery of São Paulo presents cinema as a way of expression and reflexion. In the outskirts, they do and shows videos, questioning the media represententation of the periphery and building new images according to their experiences.

Andréa Barbosa

This video shows the experience of living in São Paulo, tracing a path from the stereotypical, distant and impersonal view of the big city, to the personal and affectionate city in each one of us

Programa 2 - Os espaços e suas artes

Clique nas imagens para abrir os filmes.

Imagem de um morro com diversas construções e o texto A Mitad Del Camino​​​​​​​

Luckas Perro and Paula Medina

In 2002 a group of military and militiamen violently entered Commune 13 of the City of Medellín to “retake” control of the territory. Result:  multiple human rights violations and constant persecution of neighborhood youth. The mitad del camino is an exercise in memory of this event through audiovisual creation and rap.



Rose Satiko G. Hikiji and Jasper Chalcraft

The African presence in Brazilian music manifests itself in different ways. If in 1966, Baden Powell “Rio-fied” candomblé with the Afro-sambas he composed with Vinícius de Moraes, half a century later we experienced an unprecedented moment with the arrival of musicians from different African countries in the metropolis of São Paulo. In the film Afro-Sampas we see what can happen when musicians from both sides of the Atlantic are brought into contact in the city where they live. Yannick Delass (Democratic Republic of Congo), Edoh Fiho (Togo), Lenna Bahule (Mozambique), and the Brazilians Ari Colares, Chico Saraiva and Meno del Picchia accept our invitation to a first meeting in which they share sounds, memories and creativity.

Érica Giesbrecht

In Campinas, São Paulo, black men and women, with ages between 70 and 90 years, are active in a black cultural movement, that is essentially dedicated to recreating African-Brazilian musical repertoires considered
traditional. Although seen as the most experient people in this musical traditions by the current communities, their youth memories do not directly refer to jongos, samba de bumbo or maracatus, but to gala balls. In a conjuncture marked by segregation, from the 40s to the 60s in São Paulo, these dances, attended mostly by blacks, are revisited in the film, showing their importance for the formation of a black community started in past and continuing into the present.


Alexandrine Boudreault-Fournier, Rose Satiko Gitirana Hikiji e Sylvia Caiuby Novaes

Karoline is a young woman who wants a more exciting life than her normal routine in a telemarketing centre. In the streets of Cidade Tiradentes, the largest low-income housing development in Latin America, Karoline chases her dream of becoming an MC in a place known as the Funk Factory.
The film is an ethnofiction that explores the universe of Funk, a practice involving music, dance, technology, fashion and consumption that has emerged as one of the most prominent cultural manifestations among Brazilian youths.
Fabrik Funk is the result of a collaboration between anthropologists from the University of São Paulo and the University of Victoria with residents of Cidade Tiradentes working in different ways in the local art scene.
Supported by FAPESP and UVIC, the film was recorded in June and July 2014, in Cidade Tiradentes/SP, and edited between São Paulo/Brazil and Victoria/Canada in 2014 and 2015.

Marília Garcia Senlle, Raoni dos Santos Costa and Theodoro Condeixa Simonetti

“Paisagem Musical. nas ruas do centro de São Paulo” is a documentary that deals with the sound experience of the city, traveling through its noises and the music played by street performers

Priscilla Ermel

Night Shine is a portrait in sound of the festive ritual of the Bumba-Boi, that is originally from Maranhão, but that also takes place annually in the city of São Paulo. As the film interweaves, stories and songs are interpreted by Ana Maria Carvalho, and we follow the initiation of the young boy Ariel as he learns the art of living... at the beat of the tambourine!

Marina Chen

This is a documentary about the artistic, politic and cultural actions of groups of young dwellers of the outskirts of São Paulo, Brazil. Through poetry, music, audio and video production and other ways of expressing themselves, they wish for changes in the communities they live, or even in the society as a whole.

por do sol entre árvores, amarelado, com o texto "poner al canto, la vida"​​​​​​​

Grupo Cultura, Violencia Y territorio/INER,/Universidad de Antioquia/Pasolini en Medellín/Consejo Comunitario comunidad de Pogue/Grupo de Alabadoras Las Musas de Pogue

​​​​​​​ This film is part of the documentary series Las musas de Pogue cocinan sus cantos: art, politica y resistance. This work shows the creative and political practices used by singers from Alabao de Pogue, a sector in the municipality of Bojayá, Colombia, to denounce the damage caused in the midst of war, to heal wounds and process losses according to spiritual repertoires Afro-Chocoans.

Francisco Simões Paes and Camilo Vannuchi

Who does not know the difference between viola and guitar will be amazed with Ponteio: they threw the viola in the world, but deep down I went to seek it. In a humorously and dynamic way, the documentary traces an outlook of the most representative musical instrument of Brazil, brought from Portugal in the mid-sixteenth century and quickly assimilated by man of the field on that country. 500 years later, the sound of viola of ten strings remains sprouting of calloused fingers of the "sertanejos" while that spreads by large urban centers, reinvented by modern musicians and scholars. A trip through the interior of São Paulo and Minas Gerais, the different models of guitar, its importance to the rescue of brazilian popular culture, their tunings, religiosity, recipes of pacts with the Devil, the myths that circulate the violist and a sample of the new musical possibilities of the instrument are present in this video. To see and hear.

Carolina Caffé and Rose Satiko Gitirana Hikiji

Cidade Tiradentes, in the far eastern district of São Paulo, place where the city ends, in the words of Daniel Hylario, our narrator. From there, come rhymes, colours, and gestures which mark the space. For the artists of Cidade de Tiradentes, their experience of the urban periphery provides both the basis and motivation for their works. These projects dialogue with the challenges and dreams of this São Paulo district that grew as the artists themselves grew up. The film follows the life and transformations of street dance, graffiti and rap in this area, which is thought to be the largest social housing complex in Latin America. In this place, marked by exclusion, the population manages their difficulties with their own particular dynamics of sociability, housing and appropriation of territory.

A Pedra Balanceou

Carolina Abreu e Marianna Monteiro

The stone has swung explores the exchanges between the popular tradition of Nego Fugido and the performing provocations of agitprop – agitation and propaganda – by theater companies in the metropolis. Transported from its traditional setting in Acupe, Bahia, the Nego Fugido hits the streets of São Paulo revealing a powerful aesthetic force that converges with the militancy of theatrical groups in social movements of our time. Actors dressed in swirling banana-leaf skirts cut through the urban traffic to break out utopias, struggles and tensions.

Lucas Fretin

This documentary, about graffiti writing in the city of São Paulo, seeks to unveil something usually seen as mere dirt and vandalism. Behind the scribble that covers the city there is a vast network of social relations involving young people from the different urban peripheries. Graffiti writing, beyond being a complex mechanism for communication, is also a way for the young poor to express revolt and indignation at their lack of prospects.

Sous-titre en français

Entre cidades: filmes etnográficos em diálogo - Brasil e Colômbia

Programa 3 - O espaço e seus habitantes

Clique nas imagens para abrir os filmes.

Francirosy Campos Barbosa

The Malês Uprising, which took place in 1835, significantly marks the Afro-Islamic universe. Literate blacks, who did not accept being subordinate to slaveholders. In Islam, slavery is prohibited, as man must serve only God. In this documentary, the aesthetic and narrative expressions between the holy people and Muslims intersect, bringing other versions that make us enter other stories, that are not only the "official", but also those that are told to us through myths and that enrich this magical universe that permeates the lives of Malês/Muslims.

perfis de edifícios na contraluz à beira rio, com o texto "el futuro es brillante"​​​​​​​

Jonathan Echeverri

This documentary tells the travel stories of Africans who left in search of better horizons outside their continent. Along the way, the absence of papers, migratory controls, limited economic resources and the disappointments they fall into give different rhythms to their itineraries. The story of Jonathan, an anthropologist who has been working on the subject since 2009, links these stories. At the beginning Jonathan finds himself in Dakar, Senegal with KC, Clifford, Mohamed, Camara and Prince who are waiting to leave the continent. A few years later, he follows Prince's itineraries to Quito, Ecuador, where he meets Samson, Ivonne and Jermein. While the destinations of travelers waiting in Dakar are not fixed, in Quito many Africans set off on a risky journey to the United States. Others choose less common destinations, such as Quito or Medellín, Colombia. The tenacity of these Africans evokes the idea of ​​movement as a vital impulse that transgresses borders in an apparently globalized world.


Paula Morgado and João Cláudio de Sena

The Pankararu, who originally came from the village Brejo dos Padres near the margins of the São Francisco river (Pernambuco), began to migrate to São Paulo in 1950, fleeing drought, famine and conflicts with landtakers. Approximately 500 of them took up residence in the Real Parque shanty town on the margins of the Pinheiros river, searching for a new way of life. The documentary provides a kaleidoscope of the Pankararu view about this endless journey.

Andréa Barbosa

Michele and Dalva are patients of a judiciary mental hospital in São Paulo, Brazil. Margarida is a psychologist at the same institution. Three women linked by photography, an instrument which seals a relationship based on respect and desire for life.

Luiza Calagian

The film, made in partnership with a group of young women from the Tenonde Porã village, in São Paulo, mixes fiction and documentary in a narrative around the figure of Piragui, owner of the fish in the Guarani Mbya tradition. It was carried out in partnership with LISA (Laboratory of Image and Sound in Anthropology) at the University of São Paulo, guided by Profa. Dr. Rose Satiko and with support from CNPQ.

Shambuyi Wetu, Rose Satiko Hikiji, Jasper Chalcraft

In his performances Shambuyi Wetu, an artist from the Democratic Republic of Congo and a refugee in São Paulo, constructs narratives about the diaspora experience and the situation of l’homme noir in the world. Part of the Afro-Sampas collection, the film Tabuluja is a collaboration between the artist and the anthropologists Rose Satiko Hikiji and Jasper Chalcraft. The research and filming explores the experiences of African musicians, dancers and artists currently residing in São Paulo, and is part of the project “Being/Becoming African in Brazil: migrating musics and heritages”

Ana Lúcia Pastore Schritzmeyer

Every year, adults seek out the archives of the CASA Foundation (Centre for the Socio-Educational Attention of Adolescents, São Paulo, Brazil) searching for the dossiers from the period they spent (as children or teenagers) in public orphanages. What is it that makes these adults try to recover the threads of their lives? Between 2009 and 2013, more than 50 dossiers were analyzed, along with interviews, about men that were sheltered, between 1947 and 1974, in the Batatais Agricultural Institute for the Underages (IAMB/SP). Records; truths (?); the right to biographical memory; stories of “abandoned families”; accounts of work and care experiences; present bonds among “ex-underages”; the dialogue between old photos and a visit to the now-ruined IAMB building, guided by one the interviewers, all compose this documentary.

Francirosy Ferreira

The challenge of this video is to investigate diverse themes related to Islam in Brazil, such as the veil, marriage, divergences in the community and the relation between the researcher and the research subjects. Product of nine years of research and immersion in the Islamic communities of São Paulo and São Bernardo do Campo, Voices of Islam is an invitation, in image and sound, to discover Islam in Brazil.


Ana Lúcia Ferraz

What is it, the Clown? presents the work of women in brazilian circus-theatre, going through a story about weddings and comedies.